Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Break = Writing Time!
After a crazy and hectic semester, after a weekend full of studying my brains out, it's finally time to write.  The craziness has died down.  Now, all I want is chilly weather, a frappucino, my notebook, and a pen.  I'm hoping to get A LOT of writing done these next few weeks.  I'm hoping to make a HUGE dent in that novel.  The sooner it's done, the sooner I can look for that agent....
And from there, well, that's all in God's hands.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

                                 BIRD OF PREY.                                    

 This? Not so much....
(king vulture -- wikimedia commons)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Finding the Time
School is in full swing.  It seems like you never have a free moment, a time to take a break.  My problem is, when i DO get that rare break, I'm too worn out to write.  But that needs to change.  I've got to push myself.  So many people have told me, "Enjoy these years.  After college, you'll be in the real world and you'll be even busier."
THAT CAN'T HAPPEN.  If I don't find the time to write now, my book may never get finished.  I may never see it published.
So I've decided...I'm MAKING time. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Okay, don't get me wrong.  Writing is fun.  I enjoy each and every page that I write.  But something happens when you come to a spot in your book where the stakes are higher, the tension is tighter than ever, or your characters are balancing on the point of a needle.  I don't know about you, but my hand seems to fly across the page when I'm writing those scenes.  It's as if I can't write fast enough.  You become so enveloped in the story, in what you're writing.  You feel inspired. 
It's times like that when my love for writing is confirmed.  There's no other feeling like it.  If you're not a writer, you may not understand.  But if you are...well, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
It's creepy.  It's twisted.  But hey, that's what I do. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Well, I've been here relaxing by the ocean for a week now, and I have to say, it has definitely motivated my writing.  What is it about the beach that inspires and propels you to write?  The warm breezes?  The sand?  Or is it the rushing sound of the ocean?  I can't say for sure, but it never fails.  I've written more this week than I have for the past couple weeks at home.  Writing at the beach is the best!  I've found a way over the stumbling blocks, and i now feel re-inspired and re-energized.
Now off to write....
It's creepy.  It's twisted.  But hey, that's what I do.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


On my way up to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, this weekend to visit the Amish country, I passed an old INSANE ASYLUM.  It was a giant six-story brick building, weathered and long forgotten, and definitely creepy!  It was perched up on a grassy hill like some haunted mansion.  And as I passed by, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of dark secrets and old memories that place held....  For someone like me, the sight of the old asylum was just the jolt of inspiration I needed.  It really got my creepy imagination rolling.
Let's see what I make of it.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Writer's Block: I Think Not

Writer's Block is not an option.  It is NOT.  This I have decided.  Sure, I think most writers face times when inspiration seems to be away on vacation or the story's plot seems to have hit a roadblock, but it is the writer's job to persevere through these hard times.  I'm not saying it's easy.  It's not.  After all, I'm experiencing this trial even as I type this post.  But I will get past this.  I WILL.  Quitting is not an option.  Writer's Block is not an option. 

The dream keeps me going.  It pushes me along through these frustrating times.  The dream of being published keeps me writing.  And one day, with God's help, it will all be worth it.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Well, classes are out, and summer has officially begun for me!  My first week off has been filled with writing.  I'm so stoked to be able to focus on my manuscript now!  It's going to be a challenge, but... I'm aiming at getting this novel penned down by the end of summer!  Here goes!!

It's creepy.  It's twisted.  But hey, that's what I do.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Scholarship Essay!
           It’s no wonder that in this Digital Age we live in, more and more students are choosing digital textbooks over traditional ones.  In many cases they are cheaper, more portable, and convenient.  College campuses are now flooded with e-readers, and the trend is growing.

            Still, I can’t help but feel that traditional textbooks are the better choice.  Sure, they’re bulkier, possibly more expensive, and sometimes make your book bag feel as if it’s loaded with bricks, but a printed book has so much to offer a student.  Who out there hasn’t covered their biology book in sticky-notes?  Highlighted key terms in bright yellow?  A traditional textbook is such a great tool to have when studying for that final exam.  Students are able to scribble their own notes in the margins (which are often too small for my chicken scratch!), and they can label and underline as much as they please. 

A printed book also allows students the convenience of flipping quickly to a desired page instead of scrolling through one screen at a time, which is often the case with a digital textbook.  College courses are difficult, and many times you have to look up multiple things in a single text; there’s nothing like being able to slip your fingers between the worn pages of a traditional textbook and hold your place there while you flip back to chapter three, searching for that term you just can’t remember.

A traditional textbook simply allows students the ability to personalize their study programs.  You make the book your own, filling it with sticky-notes, a rainbow of highlighters, and that soda spill from last night’s study session.      


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Time for a little sample, straight from BIRD OF PREY.  Here goes...

He was here.  The murderer stood right here.  Right where I’m standing. 
Maggie couldn’t suppress these haunting thoughts as she picked up each feather and tossed it in the trash.  Paranoia soon set in; Maggie jumped at every little creak, every whistling breeze, believing it to be something much more sinister.  She held the constant suspicion that she was being watched, that she wasn’t the only one in that bookstore….  Completely covered in goosebumps now, she quickly disposed of the remaining feathers.  A chill swam through her body as she turned one last time to examine the darkened bookstore, before shutting the door and stepping out into the cool October air.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

I've been writing a lot this week, working on a new CREEPY, MAGICAL manuscript.  I'm so passionate about this story - even more so than my previous manuscript (not Bird of Prey)!  I have faith in this novel.  In fact, I think this could be "the one."  But I've got a long ways to go.  First, I need to actually complete the rough draft.  Then the long road of editing, rewriting, re-editing, and re-rewriting begins....  But I've got to buckle down and persevere.  As J.K. Rowling so eloquently put it, writing is a "long, hard slog."  Boy, was she right!

But it's going to be worth it. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Woman in Black is PERFECTLY creepy.  Perfect.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

As a kid, some of my favorite books were Coraline and the Goosebumps series.  Needless to say, they definitely had an impact on my writing!

Check out BIRD OF PREY!


It's creepy.  It's twisted.  But hey, that's what I do.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The final COVER!
And that awesome background picture?  Yeah, (cough, cough) I took that.
Black feathers were scattered around the body....
Sam's Scribbles is up and running!  I want to devote this blog to my writing.  This is a place to jumpstart my dreams (aka SUCCESSFUL AUTHOR!).  So if you happen to stop by, I hope you'll take a moment and check out my current story on Amazon.com.  It's titled BIRD OF PREY.  Here's a link:   http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=bird%20of%20prey%20sam%20campbell

It's creepy.  It's twisted.  But hey, that's what I do.